A Regional Monthly E-Newsletter
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'Thematic Networking Innovation Meeting' with
ERASMUS Coordinators in Cyprus
The European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators (EAEC) organized a ‘Thematic Networking Innovation Meeting’ at Palm Beach Hotel in Larnaca, Cyprus. The workshop brought together experts, consultants and representatives of prominent institutions from Italy, Portugal, Greece, Netherlands and Lebanon who shared a set of concrete experiences and practical exercises related to the ERASMUS+ Programme. President of the European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators Prof. Gregory Makrides started the meeting with a general presentation about
EAEC followed by an elaboration on the objectives... more
Funds to Mentor Youth in Developing Countries
Blueground Raises $20M from Global Investors
Blueground, the hospitality-tech company that is transforming the experience of big city living, has announced that it has completed a new funding of $12M from a group
of renowned global investors, including Dubai-based Jabbar Internet Group, VentureFriends, and Endeavor Catalyst. The latest investment... more
CEO - EFG Hermes Foundation
Hanaa Helmy is the founding CEO of the EFG Hermes Foundation, a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that assists communities and institutions overcome financial, educational and health-related challenges. The Foundation... more
Head of Research at BlomInvest Bank
Speculation is rife across Lebanon over the future of the national economy, the banking sector, and state finances. As part of its efforts to spur constructive dialogue on pressing national issues, LCPS conducted a series of interviews with... more
The flagship Networks of Mediterranean Youth Project (NET-MED Youth), implemented by UNESCO and funded by the European Union, covering 9 ENP South Countries, has made a significant contribution to advancing youth access participation to public life... more
Morocco: "On the Way to Change"
As part of the campaign #16days of activism in the fight against violence towards women, which started on 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women and girls) under the theme of #HearMeToo, the European Union... more
اللقاء السنوي لمؤسسة KAAD في الأردن
عقد مكتب الخدمة الكاثوليكية للتبادل الأكاديمي KAAD التابع لمجلس الأساقفة الكاثوليك في ألمانيا، لقاءاً خاصاً في المركز الكاثوليكي للدراسات والإعلام في العاصمة الأردنية عمّان، جمع الطلاب الحاليين والسابقين الذين حصلوا على الإبتعاث لإتمام دراساتهم العليا، بحضور... المزيد
Activities, Events & Opportunities
Erasmus+ Call for Proposals 2019 Education, Training, Youth and Sport
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans... more
Global Fund for Women Gender Equality and Human Rights
(Deadline: Through June 2020)
We provide flexible, core-support grants for operating and program expenses, give multi-year grants as often as
possible, and offer travel and event organizing grants... more
Energy Globe World Award 2019 Project Submission -
The World Justice Forum VI will return for the third time to the World Forum Conference Center in The Hague, The Netherlands, the global city of peace and justice... more
Regional PhD Seminar May 14 - 15 2019, Johannesburg, South Africa
(Deadline: December 15, 2018)
This two-day short course places the Palestinian refugee case study within the broader context of the international human rights regime. It examines, within a human rights... more
Summer School Transformative Learning through Art, Greece
(Deadline: December 31, 2018)
Participating in this Summer Course, the trainees will be able to upgrade their skills by mastering an innovative method: The use of works of fine arts, literature and ancient drama... more
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